Are machine translations useful?
With the advancement of machine translation technology, many people have wondered whether this technology is also suitable for legal translation. In this article, we will explore the possibilities and limitations of using machine translation for legal texts and find out whether it can be a reliable alternative to human translators.

The use of machine translation for legal translations: The advantages
The use of machine translation in legal translations: Advantages
Machine translations offer a number of advantages that can be useful in legal translations. First, machine translations are fast and cost-effective. Through the use of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence, large volumes of texts can be translated in a short time. Secondly, machine translations are now very accurate in many languages and provide acceptable results for general content. This can be an advantage when dealing with large volumes of legal documents.
The limits of machine translation for the translations in the area of law
Despite their advantages, machine translations also have distinct limitations, especially in legal translations. First, they are susceptible to linguistic nuances and context. Legal texts often contain complex expressions, specialised terminology and legal concepts that require accurate and precise translation. Machine translations often fail to capture these subtleties and may therefore deliver inaccurate or misleading results. Secondly, machine translations are prone to errors and inaccuracies, especially with rare languages or specialised terminology. This can lead to legal problems if important information is translated incorrectly.
The role of human translators in legal translation Given the above limitations, human translators remain the best choice for legal translation. Only human translators can accurately grasp the context, nuances and specific requirements of legal vocabulary. They can also understand the purpose of the text and provide an appropriate translation accordingly. In addition, human translators can check legal documents for possible errors or ambiguities to ensure quality and accuracy.
Although machine translations have made progress in many areas, they still face significant limitations when it comes to legal translations. The complexity, nuances and specific terminology require the expertise and understanding of human translators. For legal translations, it is therefore advisable to rely on qualified human translators to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the translation.